Tuesday, 16 June 2015

At Times...

Sometimes, it takes a so called ‘setback’ to experience divine mercies
Sometimes, it’s scary to let go, to lie back and just trust
Sometimes, the gremlins of the unknown played havoc with my mind
Sometimes, it takes a frailty, to experience a greater strength within me.

At times, in the dark of the night, when I woke up in sweat & pain
At times unable to sleep, I kept watch on the dawning morn
At times, the temptation to give in to pain and rant was strong
At times such as these, it was Grace which upheld & soothed my mane.

Sometimes it’s in the knowing, that the only way ‘out’ is ‘through’
Sometimes all it takes is to close my eyes and ride the waves
Sometimes it takes concerted effort to not to panic in the caves
Sometimes, it’s in the act of surrender that faith & hope shine through.

It’s at times such as these, when I know I’m not alone
It’s at times when I’m rudderless that I feel the unseen oar
It’s at times when in pain, I sense beyond the pain
It’s at times such as these, that love holds me tight within.

It’s through times as these, that I reflect on the dawning light
It’s through times as these, that deep abiding trust holds me up
It’s a time to rejoice in mercies, big and small
It’s a time to experience that the burden is light.

A time… a moment…a concept of pain
All imaginations of the mind, brought to rein
In the act of letting go, finding flight
Going beyond the boundaries of what the mind defines.  

-         -   Ann Joseph

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