Saturday 18 February 2012

Harnessing the power within

A portion of a movie I watched this evening struck a chord in me. The movie ‘Wimbledon’ has this scene where the protagonist ‘Colt’ is at championship point and he did something which I guess successful athletes across the world have made a habit of – he went into himself and became aware of himself in the ‘Now’ and needless to say, clawed back from defeat to victory.   Now, you might just be wondering what this means and why it’s worth a mention in my blog. Well, in common terminology, it is nothing but mind power.
Let me take a typical scenario of what happens within us when we face any situation, especially an important one. At such times, we are programmed to ‘do’ something, it can be anything, but something has to be done. If nothing physical is possible, then the mind races forward into all kinds of possible scenarios for the foreseeable future. The mind needs to be engaged in what is going on around us. What then happens inside us? Hyper activity of the mind - done with the intention of harnessing the energy that is around us.  

Well, what would happen if we were to change our focus from concentrating our efforts on harnessing the energy around us to harnessing the energy that is already within us? Have you ever thought about that? For those of you who have – I’m sure you have discovered something profound for yourself. For those of you who haven’t, you might now have this thought – what do I have to do to harness the energy within me?   The answer is simple – nothing. Mind boggling, isn’t it?

So what is this ‘nothingness’ state of the mind? It took me a while to appreciate this, and what I grasped is this. 

It’s taking a moment to pause and look inside myself. It’s about hushing the umpteen voices that I hear inside my head even when the world is silent around me. It’s about feeling the warmth, the cold, the twitches and itches, the beating of the heart and the flow of life giving blood through the veins. 

And in this state of acknowledgement of my being, I get a heightened awareness of that which is around me. Everything around me gets manifest in slow motion and exaggeration. And I sense with awe, a feeling of oneness of the energy which is inside and the energy outside. 

For in acknowledging that which is within me, I acknowledge all that is around me. And then I realise that all I need is already within me. It dawns on me that what is within me is more energetic than that what is without. And in this state of ‘nothingness’ of my mind, I am in the present and at my most powerful. Because the world around then ceases to have its hold over me.

This is the magic potion that top players and achievers around that world have used to their advantage. The gift that is available for all, but sensed in totality by a few.  Take a moment, go within yourself and sense this power within you.

Other similar readings Mind with awareness  and Awareness in rapport

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