Thursday, 16 April 2020

Ruminations of a quarantined mind

It's been a month since I've been in a country far away from my own, in a lockdown period necessitated by covid 19. A month of highs and lows, certainties and uncertainties, joys and angst. As I reflect on the workings of my mind and body this past month, a few reflections come to mind. 

1. The body is in quarantine. And it's good and necessary at this time. For the most part, I think people believe in the necessity of quarantining ourselves for our own good health. My thought : how often do we quarantine our minds? Quarantine aka 'a state of isolation'. Away from the hustle and bustle of talk, other talk and self talk. To concentrate on just being....rejuvenation.

2. Some minds tend to be in a perpetual state of anxiety. It thrives on anxiety. Feeds on worry. In the absence of anything else to do, it chews the cud. With self and with others. Paranoia in some cases. In normal course of events, life happens and much of this may be camouflaged, swept under the carpet, attention diverted. But during a forced quarantine,....true fears/emotions begin to emerge... nowhere to times. 

3. Some minds, on the other hand, prefer to play ostrich. Bury itself. Attempt any kind of diversionary tactics to avoid facing itself. Uncomfortable with reality, escapism prevails. Busy bodies and minds. If I don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist. Bury it deep within... Not seen... Not heard... Not felt...Not acknowledged. Till, a tipping point is reached. And then boom... It may swing to the other end of the paradigm. 

4. Some minds, reach out to touch the inner being, and then quickly pull out. Like standing before a beautiful pool of water, dipping a toe in and quickly pulling out. Shallow immersions. Choosing instead to engross the mind in other 'more important - less painful' activities. 

5. Some minds on the other hand, face this isolation of the mind with equanimity. Even relish it at times. It's that time to dig deep, get past the fluff, get face to face with ourselves... and all its perfections and imperfections. To get to the hidden reserves of inner strength...communion with the deepest inner self/being... An Oasis in the dessert. (Communion - "the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level."). Spirituality in it's deepest form. Be still and know... 

Question to each of us: do we take time off periodically to quarantine our minds? Are we comfortable facing our innermost selves? Without varnish, in it's deepest truest form? What hidden treasures do you think we might find this way? 

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